Sunday, July 31, 2011


Hello all!

Tomorrow is the day - we are leaving in the morning to Paraguay!
We are all excited and nervous all at the same time and so grateful that God has provided us with absolutely everything that we need to journey out.

This is the last post from here in the US until we can reach you all from San Lorenzo!

- Health: That we would all stay well and have enough energy for the work prepared for us
- Team: That we would be united as a team and have no discords among us
- God would speak through us - that we may even be able to share the Gospel with people on the way down to Paraguay
- We would be humbled and open to God's working in all of us personally
- We would do nothing out of selfish ambition but consider each other greater than ourselves (Phil 2:3)
- That we would be able to truly step out in faith and leave anxieties behind.
- That we would have safe travels and that our luggage will arrive with us! :)

These are just some specifics, but thank you so much for your prayers - we can see God working through them every single day.

We are so excited to be going tomorrow!! Keep looking for updates as we start to tell you all what is going on down in Paraguay.

Monday, July 25, 2011

1 Week 'till Departure!

I can't believe it is only 1 week until we leave to Paraguay. This summer has truly flown by.

The team had its last meeting yesterday and we are (almost) all set to take off in exactly a week from today!

Thank you so much for your prayers and financial support that have been pouring in over the last few weeks. We could not go without you; God is using his people in a mighty way. We are so blessed to have such a wonderful church family as well as friends.

One of the greatest things we were able to do as a team yesterday was sit around the table and tell each other how God has blessed us and brought us through the past 6 weeks as well as what prayers He has answered. At the beginning of our preparation, many of us were overloaded with things such as jobs, trying to find jobs, finishing internships in time, family issues etc etc. A few of us were not even sure if we would ultimately be able to go because of some of the trials life seemed to be throwing at us.

God has been faithful and has already hugely answered prayers, calmed fears, and brought each and every one of us through something that we could not have dealt with - or found the energy to deal with - alone. I've probably written this in every other blog, but prayer is SO powerful, and we are continuously humbled by how truly GREAT our God is. Thank you for praying for us!

The team has worked hard in making meetings, fundraising, various service projects, and working and the countdown is almost over. Armed with our Spanish/English Bibles and Evange-cubes... we are almost on our way.

Thank you again for all your support that we have seen in so many ways.

Romans 12:12 - Be Joyful in hope, patient in affliction, faithful in prayer.